I’m back and did you know there is a bee in Ella’s tummy?

April 5th, 2013

I don’t know why I just haven’t wanted to blog lately. Part of me felt a need to just be private for awhile. Unlike me. But whatever, I’ve decided I needed to record this story for posterity though.

Ella revealed one of her “darkest secrets” to me yesterday morning. And that’s what she called it. I have no idea where she has even heard that phrasing before. My guess is Scooby Doo. Usually when she talks about something strange, like Zombies, and I ask her where she learned about that, she says Scooby Doo.

Anyway, she told me that when she was little (she’s  6 now, so I guess she feels like she can say that) she accidentally swallowed a bee and so when her tummy is grumbling or upset, it is most likely due to the bee buzzing around. She thinks she was 3 when this happened. Poor girl has been living with this big secret for 3 years.

So I explained to her that there’s no way it would be alive but she probably didn’t swallow it anyway. Hopefully she can rest easy knowing a bee isn’t buzzing around her tummy. Maybe I should not have read that book The Lady Who Swallowed The Fly so many times to her.

Anyway, if you see her, please don’t ask her about the bee. I don’t want her to keep any more “dark secrets” from me. She says she has one more that involves her cousin Finn. I’ll keep you posted.

One Response to “I’m back and did you know there is a bee in Ella’s tummy?”

  1. Grace on April 10, 2013 12:30 am

    That is so, so cute — and I will keep my lips zipped. She will never know that I know “what’s the buzz…”

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    Me. Blogger. Formerly lived carefree life of eating out, staying out late, traveling and whatever else I wanted. Now mostly chase around two kids, cook, clean and work as graphic artist.

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