It’s a girl!

January 28th, 2007


My baby radar is way off. For six months I’ve been comparing theories, comparing bellies and trying to tune in to my own instinct to determine the sex of our baby. It seemed so conclusive that we were having a boy.
I seem to be carrying lower, which is what some say boys tend to do. The baby seems more like a basketball, than oblong, as girls are known for. And I’m feeling a lot of movement — which I guess was my own theory about boys I was working on. And I only based it on my sister’s experience with her two pregnancies. Not very scientific, I know. There was also the case of the fetal heartbeat. The myth is that a lower heartrate indicates a boy, a higher one a girl. And in my family it seemed to hold true. And my own mother also firmly believed that I was carrying a boy. She seemed so certain.
But, as the ultrasound revealed at our 25 week appointment — it’s a girl! We’re extremely excited. I know it sounds a little fake when people say they don’t care what the sex is, as long as its healthy, but we really felt that way. But now that we know, it’s so fun to imagine and plan, and I already feel like I’m bonding more with our baby girl we call Ella, instead of “it.”
Today, ultrasounds are better than ever too. As you can see in the
photos, the latest 3D technology really lets you see your baby closeup. Still, many women choose to forego knowing and keep the sex a secret until the tiny baby makes his first appearance in the world. These women have way more will power than I do.
I knew before I even became pregnant that I would want to know as soon as possible. I just know myself. I like to plan ahead, make lists, imagine the future … decorate. I would have to find out. No thanks on the big surprise in the delivery room. I think there will be enough surprises.
I have heard one story that made me reconsider my decision for a minute though.
My brother Nate and his wife Rachel did not find out the sex of their baby. Nate really wanted it to be a surprise, and Rachel agreed to do that for him. She patiently told the ultrasound tech she didn’t want to know and never found out. She said she understood my brother’s point of view.
She, and all women, are deeply involved in their child’s birth. They carry their babies. They’re with them all the time. They give birth to them. So, Nate wanted to be involved by sharing the news of his baby’s sex when he was born. And after their baby was born, Nate had his moment. He got to walk proudly out to all of his family and friends and say “It’s a boy.” I’m sure he’ll never forget that.
Anyway, we had our moment too. The ultrasound tech asked if we wanted to know and I said “as soon as you can say the words.” And just seconds later she pointed to the screen and said “It’s a girl.” And we’ll never forget that.

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    About Us

    Me. Blogger. Formerly lived carefree life of eating out, staying out late, traveling and whatever else I wanted. Now mostly chase around two kids, cook, clean and work as graphic artist.

    Wonderful web guru husband who prepared this site for me. He's even trying to help to do dishes more around the house. Good man. I met him at a party in college in 1998 and he still hasn’t gone home.

    Unbelievably cute daughter who's been running the show at our house since March of 2007.

    Our newest, precious girl who just joined us in December of 2009.