
July 25th, 2008

Somewhere between a Wal-mart trip Wednesday afternoon and going to work Thursday morning I seem to have lost about $90 and my cellphone.

First I only realized the money was gone. And that totally stinks. I thought I was really on the ball getting out money early for the sitter. Uugh. So that will cost me double this week.

Then I realized I haven’t seen my phone either. I keep both in the front of my purse. My purse which I realized was left open in my unlocked car, parked OUTSIDE of my garage all night. Terrific idea, I know. I had groceries and Ella to bring in Wednesday night and once inside and distracted by a hungry baby, dinner to make and dishes to do, I never returned to bring my purse in. And recently my husband decided to store a pile of wood on my side of the garage, so until he gets around to that, I’m parking outside. Bad idea, it turns out.

It’s entirely possible this stuff fell out of my purse. If I bend over just so and the zipper’s undone I have dropped a few things out from time to time. But, how could I not notice my phone and a big wad of cash falling?

I also hate to say it, but part of me wonders if the neighborhood boys that have opened our gate, come in our yard and egged our home (3 times), and also thrown rocks in our yard could have possibly spotted the stuff and taken it?

That’s an awful thought. I just am feeling helpless without my phone. I would call my friend and talk to her. But I don’t know her number. It’s stored in my phone. Uuggh.

OK, just had to vent. Will try moving on with my life now.

2 Responses to “Bummed”

  1. em on July 25, 2008 5:08 pm

    Did you find your phone yet? What a huge bummer!

  2. Kathy on July 26, 2008 5:35 pm

    So sorry to hear about your cash and phone. It’s a lot of money and the phone is such a hassle to replace (particularly all the numbers). More than that, I know it’s not a great feeling to consider yourself violated like that. Put up signs in the neighborhood offering a reward for info. Naughty kids will usually tell on one another for a reward.

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    About Us

    Me. Blogger. Formerly lived carefree life of eating out, staying out late, traveling and whatever else I wanted. Now mostly chase around two kids, cook, clean and work as graphic artist.

    Wonderful web guru husband who prepared this site for me. He's even trying to help to do dishes more around the house. Good man. I met him at a party in college in 1998 and he still hasn’t gone home.

    Unbelievably cute daughter who's been running the show at our house since March of 2007.

    Our newest, precious girl who just joined us in December of 2009.