Ella’s first day of preschool
Preschool is nicely familiar this year. We know the drill. The car line, lunch bunch, line leader, all the preschool lingo.
Ella did a good job picking out her own outfit. And she seemed to have no fears.
After school she said the craft center was her favorite thing. I’m not surprised. And she made a friend named Lauren. Her name starts with an L, she told me. And a few days later she asked if we could go to the store to get her glasses, like several of her classmates. And she asked me who Barrack Obama is. She is really learning!
Everyone seemed so much younger this time last year. And last year the only thing Ella usually could tell me about preschool was the snack she ate.
Glad she’s such a big girl these days but I miss those chubby cheeks from just last year!
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