A trip to Fishers

April 14th, 2008

We had another visit with Em, my sister, and her husband, Kevin, this weekend. Em and I bought Steve and Kevin Pacers tickets for their birthdays back in February and March and this weekend was the game. We realized later though that Steve would have to leave for a business trip the next day, meaning he and I would have to drive up seperately. Not a big deal, but when driving with a 1-year-old for 2 hours, having someone with you is much more preferable. If she fusses then the driver doesn’t have to worry about it. Oh well, I still wanted to go hang out with my sis. I don’t get down there much. Plus a few other friends were planning to come with their kids and I hardly ever get to see them.

So, then I have to think about packing … we’ll need the pack ‘n’ play, a gate for her stairs, maybe a portable highchair, toys, snacks, whole milk, clothes, jammies … and I start thinking what I really need is a babysitter. I imagine a carefree jaunt down to Fishers by myself and it’s starting to sound really good. I love having Ella with me, but man, I could use a break. I consider calling my mom. But no, Em doesn’t see Ella much, plus my other girlfriends will like seeing her.

The day does not go as planned. Normally she takes a morning and afternoon nap. We had company though — Steve’s sister and her daughters — and Ella doesn’t like to miss out. We really enjoyed their visit though. They stopped in on Friday night on their way home to W. Virginia after spending the girls’ spring break in Michigan.

So, no morning nap. I plan to just keep her up then until her afternoon nap around 2. It’s not working though. She gets cranky. So, I put her down at 1, and we’re so not ready to leave. First, I need to sit down. With packing and cleaning and taking care of Ella, I haven’t all morning. We finally are ready and I wake Ella around 2, hoping she’ll continue the nap in the car.

No such luck. So, only 1 hour of napping. Not good.

The rest of the night is not bad, but I was tired. Not necessarily sleepy tired, but I needed a break. So, when we get to Em’s and Ella’s half cranky from little sleep, half mad at being in a car, and half getting into everything in her house — wait there can’t be three halves can there? Anyway, it’s a tiring night.

Our friend Tonia and her little girl Emma were over for a couple hours. Emma, who’s 7, was so cute. And she was really, really sweet to Ella. She even read her a book. Our other friend and baby I was looking forward to seeing couldn’t make it. We played some guitar hero, then Em went to pick us all up some Indian food. It was delicious.

By the time we’re eating, I’m trying to put Ella down for second or third time. I’m getting a bit frustrated. Em reminds me how our other sister’s kids would NOT go to sleep at her house either. Until midnight. Crap! But finally, around 8:30, Ella put her thumb in her mouth and curled up with her blankie. She was ready. And she went to sleep. I know 8:30 doesn’t sound late, but that’s late for her, especially for a day with little sleep.

Emily and I just relaxed and watched some good bad television. I went to bed a little before midnight. And I was so happy when I hear Ella babbling at 8:30! It was such a good night’s sleep in Em’s comfy guest bed and Ella had slept later than ever. I sat up to see her standing in her pack n’ play smiling, reaching her arms up for me and I pull her in bed with me. We cuddle and lay there for another half hour. I forgive her for the really long day yesterday.

It’s a really nice morning just hanging out. And Ella seems fun and playful again, instead of exhausting – not sure if it was her or me. When Steve wakes up he shows me all the stuff he got for Ella at the Pacers game. A sippy cup, a cheerleading uniform and a t-shirt. It’s all so cute. And I love the thought of he and my brother-in-law being at the Pacers gift shop buying little girl clothes and a sippy cup.

Emily and I decide to take a jaunt to the Target to see if they have a patio set I’ve been eyeing. They don’t, but I buy a darling garden tote – I am planning on planting some vegetables afterall, a really cute folding chair for Ella, and a new outdoor rug. When we get home Ella is sleeping next to Steve – it’s such a good thing. She needs her naps. And Steve has to be gone for awhile, so I’m glad they’re having some QT.

We watch a hilarious episode of the Office and Steve and I take off. It was a good time visiting … maybe next time I’ll get a sitter though.

And now, I have a very important date with the Rock of Love finale … More on that later.


Sleepy pumpkin.


Aunt Emmy and Uncle Kevy love on Ella.

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    About Us

    Me. Blogger. Formerly lived carefree life of eating out, staying out late, traveling and whatever else I wanted. Now mostly chase around two kids, cook, clean and work as graphic artist.

    Wonderful web guru husband who prepared this site for me. He's even trying to help to do dishes more around the house. Good man. I met him at a party in college in 1998 and he still hasn’t gone home.

    Unbelievably cute daughter who's been running the show at our house since March of 2007.

    Our newest, precious girl who just joined us in December of 2009.