College reunion

September 3rd, 2010

Wow, it’s been a blur of a week and part of that includes Ella’s first day of preschool – post coming as soon as I have time to upload photos!

Two college buddies flew here and one drove down for a few days of reconnecting. It was really nice. But weird too!

I hadn’t seen one of my friends for 10 years. But it wasn’t long before I remembered our whole group dynamic and what role we each took.

It was really different from our days at Ball State though. We were much tamer this week. We stayed up until midnight every night — that was pretty late for some of us. With my two kids and the child of one of the other girls it was kid-centric most of the time too. A trip to Chuckie Cheese,  playtime in the yard, a walk to the park … not exactly like when we used to hang out in college. (Understatement of the decade.) It all kept reminding me of that quote “You can’t go home again.”

But it was fun, and as different as we are from each other, I realized it’s our personalities that link us, not really our interests. So, hopefully we’ll always be able to share some laughs together …

Perhaps we shouldn’t have faced the bright glaring sun for our picture.

2 Responses to “College reunion”

  1. Sara Cupp on September 3, 2010 5:12 pm

    Cool! Good picture of all of you! Glad it was fun. Interesting observation about your friendship.

  2. Dawn on September 6, 2010 3:18 pm

    I applaud you for staying in contact with your college friends. It’s so hard. It’s fun to see how people change, and you’re right it’s more about compatible personalities than similar interests. Glad you had a fun reunion.

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    Me. Blogger. Formerly lived carefree life of eating out, staying out late, traveling and whatever else I wanted. Now mostly chase around two kids, cook, clean and work as graphic artist.

    Wonderful web guru husband who prepared this site for me. He's even trying to help to do dishes more around the house. Good man. I met him at a party in college in 1998 and he still hasn’t gone home.

    Unbelievably cute daughter who's been running the show at our house since March of 2007.

    Our newest, precious girl who just joined us in December of 2009.