Funny girl

March 5th, 2009

Ella is getting more personality by the day. And very independent. She wants to do everything herself. I hear the phrase “I do it! I do it,” all day long. About various things … she wants to help in the kitchen, always requesting I pull her stool up and let her do something. Then she wants to brush her own teeth and zip up her own jammies. Last night when Steve and I were discussing who should drive she even uttered “Can I drive?”

Um no. Not for another 14 years, please.

She’s also been saying funny things. For instance …

* Yesterday when I mentioned getting taco bell, she started chanting “TACO BELL. TACO BELL.” She’s definitely our kid.

* Last night she was trying to get lotion out of the bottle but couldn’t. So when she looked at me puzzled I said, “yep, it’s not working.” (Hey, have you seen what a 2-year-old can do with a bottle of lotion?) Anyway, she then looked puzzled again and said “batteries?” I guess she thinks we can put batteries in anything and make it work. She must have remembered earlier in the day when I put new batteries in our Wii remote.

She’s also really into “George,” as in Curious George right now. Last night she strapped him into the cart next to her at Sam’s Club and she takes him everywhere. But, he’s not perfect, so sometimes she’s forced to give him a timeout.

Here are some recent pics …

Remember fun dip? Ella is really impressed.

Cheesing for a pic.

Showing off her George jammies from Grandma Doucette.

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    About Us

    Me. Blogger. Formerly lived carefree life of eating out, staying out late, traveling and whatever else I wanted. Now mostly chase around two kids, cook, clean and work as graphic artist.

    Wonderful web guru husband who prepared this site for me. He's even trying to help to do dishes more around the house. Good man. I met him at a party in college in 1998 and he still hasn’t gone home.

    Unbelievably cute daughter who's been running the show at our house since March of 2007.

    Our newest, precious girl who just joined us in December of 2009.