New Year’s resolutions

January 2nd, 2009

It’s day 2 of the New Year and since I’ve mostly recovered from New Year’s Eve (good thing I only stay up until 4 a.m. once every few years) I’m ready to get serious about some resolutions. Here’s what they are, and maybe I’ve just thought up some of them.

1. Lose weight. I know, boring. It’s what everyone says every year. But it’s time for me to tackle that 10 pounds I’ve been meaning to lose for, oh, a few years. I’m not OVERweight technically. I’m in the “healthy” weight range and I have a healhty BMI. But I could lose 10 pounds, maybe even 15 and STILL be in the healthy range. And I’m a small framed person. There’s some extra weight on me. It seems like I’m really starting to avoid certain types of shirts to hide my little pooch and I hate that.

So here’s the plan: I’m going to put that Wii fit to use and I’m going to get on our sad, abandoned elliptical. And I need to get my butt back to the Y. Even though it’s very very cold and I hate the thought of getting in my car to go. But I could do it ONCE a week without freezing to death.

And the other part of the plan involves It’s a site where you journal what you eat and it has this huge database of nutritional data to draw from. So it gives me tons of info on how much I can consume in a day and what I need more or less of. It also is an exercise journal and will tell me how many calories you burn with a bunch of different exercises. I’m not sure I did a great job of explaining it, so you’ll have to go to the Web site yourself if you’re really interested. The real bonus is that it’s just $9 per month and you can quit anytime. And no, they’re not paying me to say that.

2. Pay off my car.

3. Work on paying off student loan.

4. Fix up Ella’s little girl room. She’ll be moving into our guest bedroom so the her nursery can remain a nursery just in case any more baby Doucettes arrive. No people, none are on their way, but one day, OK.

5. Turn Ella’s bathroom into cute child friendly bathroom instead of the white, sterile place it is now.

Well I think those are the biggies. Does anybody else have resolutions? Tell me what you’re thinking about, I’d love to know.

One Response to “New Year’s resolutions”

  1. Dawn on January 4, 2009 5:27 am

    Good resolutions. I should set some, too. Maybe, um, later. You’ll have fun getting Ella’s room done, though. And Wii fit is VERY fun. Avoid doing that whole fitness age thing, though. YIKES. I was 58. And I workout.

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    Me. Blogger. Formerly lived carefree life of eating out, staying out late, traveling and whatever else I wanted. Now mostly chase around two kids, cook, clean and work as graphic artist.

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