Aaah … TGIS

May 3rd, 2008

Yes, TGIS, because I really just want Fridays to be over with. Thursdays and Fridays are soooo busy at work that by the time I get home Friday nights with Ella it’s the most I can do to call and order us a pizza.

And this Friday, ugh. I had a sinus headache all week long. And I seemed to be running short on sleep everyday. So when Thursday night rolled around and Ella went to bed at 7:30 I thought this was my chance at last to catch up. I read for awhile (Tori Spelling’s book Stori Telling-more about that later). Then tried to fall asleep by 8:30. No luck. 11 p.m., which is exremely late for me, rolled around and I was still awake. Crap! I finally fell asleep and it seems like minutes later it was 5:30 a.m. and time to get up. My head was killing me. I couldn’t miss work though. I was counted on to help out with the daily newspaper and I have so many things to finish up for the weekend paper as well on this day. So, off I went.

It was so hard to concentrate. By 9 a.m. I decided I couldn’t take it. I needed to go home. I made a list of must-do items and informed the proper people I would have to take some sick time. By 11, I was out of there. I headed home without Ella. Steve agreed to go pick her up at the babysitter’s later. I crawled into bed, read the last two chapters of my book and slept for 2 hours. It was so needed.

That night Steve got home with Ella and I was so happy to see her. And she was in a great mood. Steve and I just were couch potatoes all night and she was content running around with us watching her. After she went to bed, I felt a lot better and even went to see my sister and London for an hour or so.

So, today is Saturday and things are so much better. Ella and I have already spent a lot of time outdoors. Our neighbor boys came over and played and it was really nice.

There was an incident with the washer though this morning. I pulled her clothes from the washer and starting noticing all these little white things all over everything.”What in the world,” I thought. Then I found it. A diaper. I washed a diaper with all her clothes. Not good. I shook them all out over the floor then vacuumed the floor and the inside of the washer. Then I ran them through the washer again. And it all came out! I was very relieved. There were lots of cute outfits in that load.

Anyway, my sister and SIL have sorta started an impromptu trashy book club. Not really, but sorta. Sara just informed me one day that she bought the book Mistaken Identity about the victims of the Taylor crash (not trashy) and the Valerie Bertinelli book and that I should buy Tori Spelling’s book. My SIL Rachel mentioned she wanted to read these and offered to buy a book. I suggested Are You There Vodka? It’s Me Chelsea (get the Judy Blume reference?) by comedian Chelsea Handler. Also, Sara borrowed another book, The Heroin Diaries, by Nikki Six (of Motley Crue fame). Should be interesting. So, there you have it. So far I’ve read Mistaken Identity, which is amazing and inspirational. Everyone involved in that tragedy went through so much and are such admirable people. It’s heavy though, so I was glad to read something lighter like Tori’s book Stori Telling next. It was really good, I have to say. I have a lot more respect for her now.

Ella’s taking nap #2 now, I think I’ll read a magazine and maybe we’ll head to our local greenhouse when she gets up to get some nice summer flowers. I love Saturdays …

One Response to “Aaah … TGIS”

  1. Em on May 5, 2008 3:50 pm

    I think I will be picking up Chelsea Handler’s new book. How was The Heroin Diaries? The Dirt is inexplicable…check it out if you haven’t.

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    Me. Blogger. Formerly lived carefree life of eating out, staying out late, traveling and whatever else I wanted. Now mostly chase around two kids, cook, clean and work as graphic artist.

    Wonderful web guru husband who prepared this site for me. He's even trying to help to do dishes more around the house. Good man. I met him at a party in college in 1998 and he still hasn’t gone home.

    Unbelievably cute daughter who's been running the show at our house since March of 2007.

    Our newest, precious girl who just joined us in December of 2009.