Overwhelmed by it all

April 10th, 2008

Yesterday I worked a later shift in my company’s Fort Wayne office. It was really nice to sleep in until 7:30 and take my time with Ella in the morning. What stunk was that everywhere I looked in my house it seemed like there was a huge job that needed to be done. And now I’m back at my normal office, and guess what, same thing. Oy, this is the first time I’ve breathed today and I’ve been at work 5 hours.

Yesterday Ella woke up (once again, at 7:30, awesome) and I immediately took her down for breakfast. She’s usually hungry by the time she gets up. I get her all set up with a cereal bar broken in little pieces. By then the cats are both meowing. I feed the first one inside, easy. Next, I feed the other in the garage. This is the one that peed on the floor for an entire year straight and now spends a lot of time in the garage. He’s also the one who’s so anxious to eat he puts his head under the food making it spill everywhere. And yesterday there was a trail of ants leading up to his food. Great. And again, he’s the same one that will only eat the top layer of food, wasting much of the $40 per bag food he has to eat for life because of some kidney stones he got as a kitten. Somehow I’ve got to get the word out to couples. Don’t get pets if you’re going to have kids. It’s too much.

On the way out of the stinky, messy garage that badly needs organized, I pass through the laundry room. Although the clothes are not in there yet, I know my husband has a small mountain of dirty clothes he’s hiding in his closet — and he needs them clean for a business trip he’s going on THIS weekend. It’s Thursday, by the way. Usually, I’m very good about keeping up with laundry but because of a certain disagreement we’re having at home, I haven’t been washing too many clothes of my husband’s. You see, I told him that if he doesn’t put his dirty clothes in the laundry room by Saturday morning they’re not getting done. I don’t think that’s unfair. I would certainly drop my clothes off, even across town, if someone was going to launder, fold and put them away for me. It’s just too much for me to maneuver all his laundry, my laundry and Ella’s laundry down the stairs through 2 baby gates all while keeping a close eye on Ella, hence the rule. The rule that is now biting me on the butt.

Anyway, the rest of the house isn’t looking it’s best either I realize as the day progresses. Since Ella has come to love throwing her food on the floor, there are now mashed in food items all over our tiled floor. I need to get out the steam cleaner as soon as possible. In my bedroom, past the bed that’s unmade, because my husband sleeps later than me and thinks it’s ridiculous to make a bed when you will just mess it up again*, there are a pile of clothes that need put away. Some new, some old summer ones that need put away – but first I need to pack up all my winter sweaters to make room for these summer clothes. See how this is all working out? One thing needs done before I do the next?

Whew. Anyway, so that’s just my home life. At work we’re embarking on a really big project that is getting closer and closer and it’s also getting close to my busiest week of the month. My head’s been spinning all day.

Oh well. I just had to vent. Even though it’s Thursday being out of my normal office for a day made today seem like a Monday. So, the good news is the weekend’s almost here … Thank goodness.

* Before Steve reads all this and gets mad at me, I will say in his defense, he’s really helpful around the house with other things, such as dishes and watching Ella and a million other things I ask him to do daily. But seriously, take your laundry downstairs.

2 Responses to “Overwhelmed by it all”

  1. Karly on April 12, 2008 3:20 am

    I can give you one solution: make Steve do his own darn laundry! (Sorry, Steve) :-)

    On another note, I’m overwhelmed by all the stuff that needs to be done at my house — and I don’t even have a baby to worry about. I’ve come to realize that life is a series of chores that get in the way of awesomeness and fun … but the chores always have to get done! Dangit!

  2. Erin on April 16, 2008 12:33 pm

    I’ve tried not doing his laundry for awhile. I t just piles up and piles up. I think he would just turn into that kid at school that stinks and noone wants to sit by. That would be really embarrassing for me.
    Seriously, having a house is a ton of work isn’t it?

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    About Us

    Me. Blogger. Formerly lived carefree life of eating out, staying out late, traveling and whatever else I wanted. Now mostly chase around two kids, cook, clean and work as graphic artist.

    Wonderful web guru husband who prepared this site for me. He's even trying to help to do dishes more around the house. Good man. I met him at a party in college in 1998 and he still hasn’t gone home.

    Unbelievably cute daughter who's been running the show at our house since March of 2007.

    Our newest, precious girl who just joined us in December of 2009.