Sex and the City lives up to the hype

June 1st, 2008

Well, I loved it. The Sex and the City movie lived up to the TV series and then some. And the whole night, going out with girls, the party-atmosphere and seeing everyone in cute dresses and heels at the movies – it was a blast.

We started our night at Biagi’s at Jefferson Pointe for an appetizer, and of course, a cosmo (cosmopolitan) to get us in the mood for the movie. I was very dissappointed though when they brought our cosmos in wine glasses instead of martini glasses – they were all out. Not the same! Guess we weren’t the only ones who had that idea. Oh well. We rushed over to the theater afterward in the pouring rain nearly 45 minutes prior to start time. We did not want to be stuck in the front row for this.

We all settled in our seats (the 13 of us). I went with my SIL, some other friends of hers I knew, and a lot I didn’t. But, I have to say, they were all so fun. One of the girls was cracking me up because she kept having shoe trouble. She had found a really cute pair of heels and when they didn’t have her size 7, she opted to just go ahead and buy a size 8. So she had duct tape, and shoe pads, which kept falling out. Hey, sometimes you have to make sacrifices for fashion, I can respect that.

A whole slew of previews later, a quick announcement from some the theater to have fun but turn our cell phones off, and a little hollering from the crowd the movie started. WARNING: If you don’t want me to spoil any of the movie for you. STOP READING. I kinda thought they would blast the infamous show music – that piano bit, but it just played softly then some new faster song came on. Then a montage of what was happening with the characters last. Which was good. I hadn’t watched in a while. I thought I was a real fan, but when I started talking to people that night, I realized I’m a slacker in their world. Some of them had been watching all the old episodes in preparation for the night, and they could have kicked my butt in trivia.

Anyway, the way that things ended up in the movie are no surprise at all. Charlotte and Harry have an adopted 3-year-old, but also had their own baby in the end, Miranda and Steve remain together raising Brady in Brooklyn, Samantha decides onces again monogamy is not for her and returns to being single, Carrie and Big end up together. But there were a lot of surprises during the movie. I could not believe Big stood Carried up at the altar. And Steve cheated on Miranda. Some people I talked to have serious issues with these storylines. And I do a little bit to, I have to say.

I just can’t believe that Big, a 50-somethingl-year-old, experienced man, would be so fragile as to get cold feet, get freaked out by a comment someone said and leave the love of his life at the altar. Although he was always a commitmentphobe and I suppose after two failed marriages it would be a little daunting. And Steve cheating on Miranda? That was a complete surprise. Steve seems like such the nice guy. It doesn’t seem like something he would do. I really don’t have huge issues with these things though. I’m not like my husband, who watches a movie, finds something unbelievable and never can enjoy the rest of it. It’s fiction. I can deal with it.

Some things I loved:

Samantha. She was so funny. A lot of good one-liners. I loved when she called that jerk out at the rehearsal dinner, and Miranda out for her need for a waxing.

The whole friendship focus. They’ve always emphasized female friendship in the movie and even implied it’s as important as any of the male relationships they are always seeking. I loved the scene where Samantha actually feeds Carrie when she is depressed and in bed. And then when Carrie gets out of bed and goes to Miranda’s to give her company on New Year’s Eve.

The fashion. The whole movie was just so visually fun. The wedding photo shoot was awesome. And I loved the scene where Carrie was trying on her old dresses and her friends were voting on whether to take them or not. Some people hated the feathers she sported with her wedding gown, but I thought they were kinda cool. But that little wedding suit she ended up wearing was not cute. I mean I get the point. In the end it was all about the people and not the labels, but still. She has style and that little suit was not good looking. I don’t buy it.

Jennifer Hudson. She was adorable. And so sweet. I wish I could hire a cute little personal assistant to do stuff for me and give me advice.

That’s all I remember for now. Afterall its been over 24 hours since I saw.

The rest of the night was so fun too. We went to Club Soda after and there were so many cool, interesting people we went with. And nice. One of the girls went to the car, parked kinda far away in the pouring rain and came back to pick us up. And two of the other girls went into the bar and got us cosmos while we were waiting for our table. Nice. Girlfriends are so good …

4 Responses to “Sex and the City lives up to the hype”

  1. Karly on June 2, 2008 4:56 am

    I liked the movie overall, but I was NOT satisfied with the ending. I wouldn’t have married that jerk after all he put her through! As you know, I am anti-Big anyway, and the movie made my loathing of him even stronger. If anyone (ahem, Dawn, maybe?) thinks Carrie and Big live “happily ever after” for more than a few years, they are DELUSIONAL!!!!

  2. Erin on June 3, 2008 12:24 am

    I see your point Karly. She’s really taking a risk with Big. With his record he’s likely to screw her over again. But, then again … they have stayed connected all these years. I think they do totally love each other. Maybe he’s finally growing up!

  3. Karly on June 3, 2008 11:53 pm

    I told Dawn the movie sequel could be Carrie going through a pregnancy and Big leaving her in the delivery room. You never know with that man.

  4. Erin on June 4, 2008 12:12 am

    That is so funny. Yeah, if he’s still freaked out by marriage his third time around, how would he take having a kid?

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