Sick and tired, bla, bla, bla

January 8th, 2009

Oh man am I having trouble waking up this week. Maybe it’s the holiday exhaustion catching up with me. Or the fact that I worked the late shift Saturday night and then started staying up too late. Or maybe it’s whatever illness I have that has caused my throat to be swollen with white bumps. That’s not good, is it?

Whatever the case, it’s end of the week. Busy, busy time at work. So, I’m going to take some medicine and drink coffee and power through it. I know that doctors and my mom would probably say that’s a bad idea. But that’s just reality and the bad timing that is my life. My sister recently noticed also that the weather is only terrible when I have to drive 20 miles to work. She is so right. Oh well, Poor me, right?

This weekend should be fun with Ella’s first swim lesson at the Y, to be followed up by Ella’s first haircut! Hmmm … perhaps some before and after shots would be a good blog post. So yes, I promise something more fun than complaints about being sick and tired for next time.

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    About Us

    Me. Blogger. Formerly lived carefree life of eating out, staying out late, traveling and whatever else I wanted. Now mostly chase around two kids, cook, clean and work as graphic artist.

    Wonderful web guru husband who prepared this site for me. He's even trying to help to do dishes more around the house. Good man. I met him at a party in college in 1998 and he still hasn’t gone home.

    Unbelievably cute daughter who's been running the show at our house since March of 2007.

    Our newest, precious girl who just joined us in December of 2009.