Eva’s birthday photos: Better late than never, right?

January 29th, 2012

Did I make an elaborate cupcake creation because I felt guilty that I had to work all day of Eva’s birthday, not to mention the poor girl’s birthday will always be 4 days before Christmas? Perhaps.

Doesn’t the handmade birthday banner really make the room? (See honey, it was totally worth the money:)

Aunt Sara can’t believe the gorgeous tutu Eva has just unwrapped.

Isn’t it funny how early they start playing with babies? I mean, she is still a baby herself.

Oh even better on.

Good thing she is a petite girl because that stroller is meant for her baby doll.

Good buy! Looks like Eva’s 7-year-old cousin Grant approves.

A time-out for biting. No one’s perfect.

A classic smile from cousin Gabi.

Finally, some time alone with a cupcake.

A line forms when the kids see cool tricks uncle Nate can do.

My dorky New Year’s Resolution – organize our health history & expenses

January 5th, 2012

We’ve welcomed the new year and with that comes our annual shift in health, dental and vision insurance. Nearly every year our insurance (through my husband) is completely different. That means I need to figure out if our doctors, dentist etc. all fall in our network and make sure we have new cards … there was the one year I got stuck paying $600 for new glasses after finding out my doctor was no longer in network!

Anyway, this year is no different. In fact, our insurance is drastically changing. Our out-of-pocket expenses will be much more, but instead we have been given a hefty health savings account.

So my goals are to A: organize all our information in one place. Make it easier to look up when Ella had her last flu shot and who even covers our dental insurance and eye insurance (we aren’t even given cards for those!) See how it can get confusing?

And B: Shop around and save some money. We take the girls to a dentist who specializes in pediatrics. And we love her. And we felt good seeing her when Ella chipped her tooth at age 2. But do we need to pay so much to have my toddler’s teeth cleaned? I don’t know. I think some people aren’t even taken there little ones to a dentist until they’re 3.

Anyway, you can see I have a lot to figure out. And this is my point. I found a great, free site called Family Health Portfolio. I’m going to save everything in one place. Our 6 doctors, our 3 insurance plans. Every appointment, prescription, checkup and the cost of everything.

Well I  hope I didn’t bore you to tears. For an organizing dork like me, this is exciting stuff.

Girls’ clothes, a slippery slope

December 29th, 2011

The other day I picked up a few new tops for Ella at Target. A darling plaid tunic shirt that looked so cute on her with leggings.

And she also got a very cute fuscha and white striped boyfriend cardigan. Steve – it’s only called that because it’s meant to be kinda big and long, don’t get scared! And I can’t find a photo of that particular item. So you’ll have to take my word on it that she wore it well.

So when I got an email from zulilly about their seasonal sale, I figured maybe I should pick up a little something for Eva. I mean, I don’t want to be unfair!

BTW, if you don’t know what zulilly is, it basically is a site that combines a whole lot of stores’ sales. And they are over-the-top cute, expensive clothes, but if you swoop in quickly you can get some good deals. Tell them I sent you if you check it out here. I think I may get a discount!

So, I picked up these two cute little dresses.

I can just see her in pigtails in this polka-dot dress with the red-heart buttons. So cute.

But now, I am wondering if I made a huge mistake passing up these other darling items. I do get free shipping the rest of the day …

For Christmas next year?

Happy Birthday baby girl

December 22nd, 2011

Can’t believe my baby is 2 today. I don’t miss those many sleepless nights, but I would really love to hold that little baby again. Luckily she still loves to cuddle.

Look at that tiny girl!

This was the drive home on Dec. 24, 2009. You’re never as nervous driving as you are when you drive a 7-pound 2-day old home from the hospital.

These may have been the longest 3 days of my life in that little hospital room, waiting for her to get better.

Having two kids is a real adjustment. And honestly this is one of the few days in their lives they both napped at the same time!

I have a million pictures of her laying in my boppy pillow. No wonder she likes to have lots of pillows in her bed now.

At seven weeks, she was really starting to fill out.

My two girls.

Love you Eva! Can’t wait to celebrate tonight.

    About Us

    Me. Blogger. Formerly lived carefree life of eating out, staying out late, traveling and whatever else I wanted. Now mostly chase around two kids, cook, clean and work as graphic artist.

    Wonderful web guru husband who prepared this site for me. He's even trying to help to do dishes more around the house. Good man. I met him at a party in college in 1998 and he still hasn’t gone home.

    Unbelievably cute daughter who's been running the show at our house since March of 2007.

    Our newest, precious girl who just joined us in December of 2009.